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FWP 8 oz. Freshwater STOP Parasites


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Description: FWP 8 oz. Freshwater STOP Parasites from Chem-Marin
Brand: Chem-Marin

Product Information

FWP 8 oz. Freshwater STOP Parasites from Chem-Marin.

For Freshwater Parasites (ich) for Inverts & live Plants. 100% organic For Fish Keepers Who Demand The Very Best, This product is TOTALLY Organic and Bio Degradable It is safe for the most delicate systems containing live plants & freshwater inverts. How F.W.P works : This product is made up of many different agents one agent speeds up the process of the fishes natural slime coat. This causes the parasites to detach themselves along with their slime coat. Another agent then attracts the Parasites as an alternative food source which causes them to get caught in your filter media and eventually starve This agent though attractive has no nutrition for the Parasites to survive. Other agents speed up the appetite of your fish and also build up their immune system and unlike copper will not harm the internal organs of your fish. F W P is sold in 8oz and 1 Gal sizes only. 8oz will treat 20 gal tank for the recommended 5 day treatment.

  • Weight: 0.7 lb
  • Height: 6 in
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 1.9 in
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List Price: $10.19
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