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Bettafix Betta Medication 1.7 oz, API

Product #MD-AP93B

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: Bettafix Betta Medication 1.7 oz, API
Brand: API

Product Information

Bettafix Betta Medication 1.7 oz, API

A patented, all natural formula for treating bacterial infections in Bettas. Contains Melaleuca, a botanical extract of Tea Trees, to treat open wounds and tissue damaged by handling and netting. Use whenever Bettas exhibit signs of bacterial disease, such as frayed or torn fins, red ulcers, or slimy patches.
- Repairs damaged fins and promotes fin regrowth
- All natural
- Convenient dropper dosing
- Treats 20 gallons

  • Weight: 0.5 lb
  • Height: 4 in
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 1 in
Usually ships same day


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List Price: $4.49
Our Price: $2.99
  (save $1.5, 33%)
Temporary not available
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