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Melafix Marine 16 oz, API

Product #MD-AP311D

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: Melafix Marine 16 oz, API
Brand: API

Product Information

Melafix Marine 16 oz, API

A safe, all natural way to treat bacterial infections in saltwater fish and corals. Rapidly repairs open, red sores, and wounds, fin and tail rot, pop eye, body slime, and mouth and fungus on fish. Also used on commercial coral farms to control bacterial infections and tissue degradation, and to remove parasitic flatworms in wild corals.
- Extracted from Tea Tress
- Reef safe
- Will not harm the biological filter
- Use in main tank or as coral dip
- Treats up to 948 gallons

  • Weight: 2 lb
  • Height: 8 in
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 2 in
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List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $7.99
  (save $4, 33%)
Temporary not available
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