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30 inch Fuge Ray LED slim light

Product #LT-FXA-AL-30WM

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: Finnex 30 inch Fuge Ray LED slim light with 132 pcs 7000k daylight and 12 pcs blue 3014 LED light.
Brand: Finnex

Product Information

Finnex Unibody Ultra Slim High LED plus Moonlights
12 Blue LEDs / 132 White LEDs
15 total Watts
Dimensions: 30 inch Long x 3 inch Wide x 1 inch High
7000k plus Moonlights

This Contemporary Ultra Slim designed LED fixture features a series of LEDs to promote Marine & Freshwater growth. Unlike the Ray II which incorporates multiple High Output LEDS pinched together for high light output, the FugeRay features a more evenly spaced LED alignment ideal for refugium purposes as well as low-medium light needy aquariums. The FugeRay also features moonlights, which can be activated during the evening to give the aquarium a pleasant moonlight tone. All models feature a moisture resistant PC Splash Guard to protect against water mishaps. The durable high output LED bulbs are built to last 40,000+ hours. With a LED spread of 120 degrees, this slim LED bar lights up the largest of aquariums. A unique leg fixture allows this LED light to mount on various sized aquariums and sump setups. To extend LED bulb longevity, the circuit boards are built with high quality aluminum and the fixture itself acts as the heat sync to allow ample cooling and superior heat dissipation. Par Value 12 inch FugeRay: 38-42 mol/m2/s at base 10 inch deep. Single power cord.

  • Weight: 4 lb
  • Height: 38 in
  • Width: 3 in
  • Depth: 1.5 in
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