Store >  Lighting Supplies >  Metal Halide Bulbs >  [ 175 watt Aqualine 10,000k German Screw Type Mh Bulb ]

175 watt Aqualine 10,000k German Screw Type Mh Bulb

Product #LT-AB76175

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: 175 watt Aqualine 10,000 German screw type Metal Halide Bulb, AQUALINE BUSCHKE. For use in PULSE START BALLASTS ONLY.
Brand: Aqualine Buschke

Product Information

175 watt Aqualine 10,000 German screw type Metal Halide Bulb, AQUALINE BUSCHKE. For use in PULSE START BALLASTS ONLY. The Aqualine 10,000 lamp has a color temperature of 13,000 Kelvin and a high percentage of the light output is at the blue end of the spectrum. Aqualine 10,000 was the first metal halide lamp to simulate the light conditions of a coral reef and the new lamp with an improved quartz envelope gives long-term color stability and results in an ever more realistic looking aquarium. The corals show their natural colors, and the lighting encourages excellent growth. Aqualine 10,000 helps to transform your aquarium into a perfect reef tank.

  • Weight: 0.45 lb
  • Height: 12 in
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 2 in
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