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New Surface Skimmer (with accessory bag)

Product #FI-ST00522

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: New Surface Skimmer (with accessory bag). Istas Surface Skimmer prevents dust and protein layer formation.
Brand: Ista Products

Product Information

Istas Surface Skimmer prevents dust and protein layer formation. This layer can filter the light that reaches the plant and gives an awful aspect to the aquarium.
Effectively draws the dust and protein to the skimmer which assures a crystal clear water surface.This creates a healthier and safer environment as it allows effective gas exchange and proper light for plants.
Allows surface water flow to get through from all directions without clogging.
With self-floating water inlet chamber it automatically adjusts itself with the change of water level.
Works perfectly with hang on filters and other middle size filters.

  • Weight: 2 lb
  • Height: 6 in
  • Width: 4 in
  • Depth: 3 in
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