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PURA Complete 8 oz, Magnavore

Product #FI-MN4043

Availability: In stock

Description: PURA Complete 8 oz., Professional Strength Full Spectrum Chemical Filtration Media.
Brand: Magnavore Magnets

Product Information

PURA Complete 8 oz., Professional Strength Full Spectrum Chemical Filtration Media. PURA Complete is a blended media that provides the most complete aquarium pollutant control at low cost. Blended with 25% PhosLock for total phosphate and silicate control, virgin bituminous acid washed carbon, and cation exchangers for the control of ammonia and heavy metals, PURA Complete offers a truly impressive spectrum of activity. This product removes a broad range of organics like urine, phenols, coloring agents, odors, and proteins; a broad range of heavy metals like copper, lead, and mercury that accumulates over time from trace quantities found in all fish foods; a broad range of toxins like ammonia, formaldehyde and arsenic; and a broad range of aquarium scum promoters like phosphates, and silicates. PURA Complete is fast acting, long lasting, and very effective in reef, marine, planted, and delicate freshwater aquaria. The 8 oz will treat a 50-gallon tank up to 6 months, the 16 oz will treat a 100-gallon aquarium, and the 32 oz will treat a 200-gallon aquarium. PURA Complete should be used in a fine meshed bag instead of plain carbon, and no additional

  • Weight: 0.65 lb
  • Height: 4 in
  • Width: 3.9 in
  • Depth: 3.9 in
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