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Mi1170 EC/TDS/NaCl/°C Combined Data Logging Meter

Product #DI-MKMI170-US

Availability: In stock

Description: EC/TDS/NaCl/°C Combined Data Logging Bench Meter; Range: EC 0.00 To 29.99Ms/cm; 30.0 To 299.0Ms/cm; 3 To 29.99 Ms/cm; 30.0 To 200.0 Ms/cm; To 500.0 Ms/cm TDS Range 0.00 To 14.99 Mg/L (ppm).
Brand: Milwaukee

Product Information

EC/TDS/NaCl/°C Combined Data Logging Bench Meter; Range: EC 0.00 To 29.99Ms/cm; 30.0 To 299.0Ms/cm; 3 To 29.99 Ms/cm; 30.0 To 200.0 Ms/cm; To 500.0 Ms/cm TDS Range 0.00 To 14.99 Mg/L (ppm); 150 To 1499 Mg/L (ppm); 1.50 To 14.99 G/L (ppt); 15.0 To 100.
This new line of Bench meters is designed to meet all the Laboratory requirements: from educational to high level laboratory research work. For high accuracy, pH calibration can be performed at 1, 2 or 3 points with 7 memorized pH values (pH 1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45).
Features include:
7 Selectable Buffers
Large Custom LCD
Innovative Design
GLP capability
Hold Function
All models are supplied with Refillable pH glass electrode MA917B/1, temperature probe MA831R, 12VDC adapter, electrode holder MA9315, sachet calibration solution (1 each of M10004, M10007, M10010, M10016) and instruction manual.

  • Weight: 10 lb
  • Height: 16 in
  • Width: 12 in
  • Depth: 4 in
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