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NfZyme 500 ml, Nutrifield

Product #AD-NFNFN500

Availability: In stock

Description: NfZyme 500 ml, Nutrifield
Brand: Nutrifield

Product Information

Key Benefits

Optimizes root growth producing higher rates of nutrient uptake resulting in more rapid top growth and higher overall yield

Improved cell division aiding vegetative growth to reduce cycle crop times and increase yield potential

Containing ideal natural growth promoters to increase root development and improved yield structure

Uniquely combine concentrate root optimizers, enzymes and amino acids for root growth, nutrient uptake

Strengthens cell wall structure allowing plant to hold weight of heavy flowers / fruits resulting in less broken branches

Improves vegetative growth structure ensuring the plants energy is not wasted during the flowering process maximizing yield and quality in the available growing time

Increased lateral branching creating more flowering sites to increase the plants yield potential

Optimizes cell activity making more nutrients available to increase proteins, amino acids, starch and sugars (brix) within fruits and flowers


NF Zyme will unlock your plants potential by developing an improved fruit-bearing structure.

The unique formula will help control cell division and optimise root growth. NF Zyme aids in photosynthesis and food formation, which is caused by the regulation of stomata openings. This is important, as it controls the carbon dioxide supply to your plants.

Optimise root and shoot development.

NF Zyme has the ability to optimise all modes of growth or flowering. The reaction that will occur is dependent on the mode of root development, growth or flowering that the plant is experiencing.

NF Zyme also contains amino acids. These help by assisting nutrient uptake, growth, root formation and increase the plants metabolic rate.

NF Zyme contains micro nutrients.

NF Zyme is an exceptional source of micro nutrients and will aid presently unavailable nutrients and minerals to become plant absorbable, through natural chelation. Chelation is the process of combining minerals with organic molecules. NF Zyme also strengthens cell walls and assists drought resistance.

  • Weight: 1.5 lb
  • Height: 8 in
  • Width: 2.5 in
  • Depth: 2.5 in
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List Price: $43.49
Our Price: $24.19
  (save $19.3, 44%)
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