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Stress Coat 5 gallon, API

Product #AD-AP85E

Availability: Temporary not available

Description: Stress Coat 5 gallon, API
Brand: API

Product Information

Stress Coat 5 gallon, API

Stress Coat, with the healing power of Aloe Vera, is scientifically proven to reduce fish stress and heal damaged tissue. Forms a synthetic slime coating and replaces the natural secretion of slime that is interrupted by handling, shipping, fish fighting, or other forms of stress. Now also removes residual ammonia from tap water.
- Scientifically proven to reduce fish stress by 40 percent
- Scientifically proven to heal wounds and promote regeneration of damaged fish tissue
Removes chlorine, chloramines, and ammonia from tap water
- Reduces electrolyte loss
- Works instantly
- Recommended by professional fish handlers to add to fish bags for protection on the trip home
- Helps reduce susceptibility to disease and infection
- 5 gallon bottle treats up to 37,800 gallons

  • Weight: 45 lb
  • Height: 24 in
  • Width: 12 in
  • Depth: 12 in
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List Price: $167.99
Our Price: $111.99
  (save $56, 33%)
Temporary not available
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